How does drugs affect your brain?

Drugs affect the brain by altering its chemical makeup and disrupting its normal functioning. Drugs can cause changes in mood, thinking, perception, behavior, and motor skills. They can also interfere with the brain's ability to communicate with the body, leading to physical and mental health issues. Long-term use of drugs can lead to addiction and permanent damage to the brain.

How does drugs affect your brain? Drugs affect the brain by altering its chemical makeup and disrupting its normal functioning. Drugs can cause changes in mood, thinking, perception, behavior, and motor skills. They can also interfere with the brain’s ability to communicate with the body, leading to physical and mental health issues. Long-term use of drugs can lead to addiction and permanent damage to the brain.

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Affects of drugs on your body:

• Increased risk of heart attack and stroke

• Higher risk of respiratory infections

• Weakened immune system

• Increased risk of cancer

• Increased risk of liver, kidney, and brain damage

• Increased risk of depression and anxiety

• Impaired coordination and motor skills

• Memory loss and difficulty concentrating ‘

• Increased risk of overdose and death

Good news is, when you remove drugs from your body, you give your brain a fresh start to restore its balance. At first, your brain and body will be thrown out of alignment by the sudden change. At that point, you might experience some symptoms of withdrawal. For example, when you say, “I can recover” or “I will live a sober lifestyle” and focus your mind on those kinds of thoughts, your brain helps you see yourself in long-term recovery and living that sober lifestyle.

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