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What causes psychosis is and what signs to look out for? Psychosis is a mental disorder that is caused by a variety of factors, including biological, psychological, and social factors. Biological factors can include genetic predisposition, physical illness, and substance use. Psychological factors can include stress, trauma, and underlying mental health issues. Social factors can include poverty, isolation, and lack of social support.
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Signs of psychosis:
1. Hallucinations: Hearing or seeing things that are not real.
2. Delusions: Having false beliefs that are not based in reality.
3. Disorganized thinking or speech: Struggling to organize your thoughts or having trouble communicating.
4. Changes in mood or behavior: Feeling agitated, paranoid, or disconnected from reality.
5. Social withdrawal: Avoiding friends, family, or activities that you previously enjoyed.
6. Poor concentration: Having difficulty focusing on tasks or conversations.
7. Lack of motivation: Losing interest in activities that you used to enjoy.
In conclusion, correct diagnosis may allow treatment of specific causes, where such causes can be identified, in addition to symptom-based treatments, such as with antipsychotic drugs.
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